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•10 Minute Lawn Care is a principle which allows us to maintain our lawns with ease, water our lawns correctly for maximum health, and to recognise and treat any problems early. It really is the very best way possible to keep our lawns in the best health possible with the least amount of effort.

•10 Minute Lawn Care simply involves taking a little time out and going outside into our yards and gardens, taking a walk around and simply checking on things while we enjoy all the beauty and satisfaction that our lawns and gardens provide.

•10 minutes (It takes) out of our hectic lives to take a walk over our lawns to check the general condition of the turf once a week, and in doing so we can quickly and easily maintain our lawns with the tiniest effort, while having a break at the same time and getting back to the real world and enjoyment that our homes and gardens provide to us.


Take 10 minutes out at the end of the day or on the weekend and get out into the yard, taking a walk over the lawn and look for these things:

See a weed or 3, pull them out now, it only takes a few seconds and stops weeds from ever overtaking our lawns, while also almost eliminating any need for most weed sprays, and the cost and environmental concerns which may arise from their overuse.

Check the leaf of the lawn, if it's wilting then the lawn is telling you it needs another drink of water, so now is the time to give it a healthy watering - and this is the only method we should ever use to determine when our lawns next need watering.

While enjoying your roses, take a look into the garden bed, if lawn runners are beginning to emerge into the garden bed, they are still young and easily removed by hand in just a few seconds. Do it now, and avoid a big garden cleanup in a few months time which may require the use of poisons to kill any invading grass.

If you have a reticulation system, then it's very important to ensure the pop-up sprinklers are free and clear of surrounding soil and overgrowing grass. Otherwise they run the risk of becoming filled with soil and stopping from working, or the overgrown grass restricts the sprinkler from popping up altogether. Either way - it means the lawn gets far less water. If done regularly with 10 Minute Lawn Care, removing a bit of soil or grass from around the sprinkler only takes a few seconds to easily achieve.

By taking an easy stroll across the lawn, it also allows us to easily see any lawn pest problems in the earliest stages possible. Armyworm, Webworm and Ants are all easily defeated with the least effort and expense, and with the greatest success when they are caught and treated early.
If you see any of these early stages of lawn pest damage, put it on the list for the weekend, take another few minutes out to apply the pest control and you're all done.

Strolling over the lawn is also the easiest way to determine if your lawn has excessive thatch build up, and best of all, it takes no extra time to determine this because you can feel it under foot as you walk across the lawn.
If you've got the early stages of thatch build up, this is most easily and cheaply controlled right now by mowing a little lower at your next lawn mowing. It also avoids the expense and far greater effort required from letting the problem get to the stage that it needs Vertimowing.

If you're someone who likes to only fertilise when necessary and only a few times per year, then this too fits in perfectly. When we take a few minutes out with our lawns, we can easily see if the lawn is deteriorating in health and may need a little boost with an extra lawn feed. If the lawn has lost it's colour and there is no environmental reason for it happening such as Winter or drought, then the lawn definitely needs some fertiliser. Don't do it now, leave it for the weekend when you can take a few extra minutes to spend enjoying your lawn and garden.

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●  Fast and efficient response process for estimates and advice for all your gardening needs.

●  Pete maintains the highest levels of professionalism – not normally associated with our industry.

●  Pete has a“one call does it all’ solution to manage all your gardening problems and requirements

Pete has been providing garden maintenance and gardening services needs to his Sunshine Coast customers since 1994 and many of his foundation clients still remain loyal customers to this day.

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